The section of Projects in the left menu allows to arrange the information in multiple FTTX networks, called projects. Usually one project corresponds with one city, but it can represent one neighborhood, one region.

Creating Projects

As soon as you access OZmap for the first time, you will see the empty screen of projects, since you do not have one.

In the bottom right corner there is a blue button of "Create project". Click to set the initial details about your first project.

Now you will define some setting of the project:

  • Name: How your project is going to be called. In our example we are using an example name, but it is common the usage of cities or neighborhoods names for the project.
  • Identifier: optional field. You can use for some integrations.
  • Users: which users of the system have access to this project. Some of them are permanent since they are users with access to all the projects. 
  • Main projects: optional.
  • Search by adress: this will be the place of your map that the project will open, so the better option is to be close to the place where you plan to set the elements. After the research, it is necessary a click on the map.
  • Draw area: the area covered by the project. It is possible to delimit a new area, select it to be created as a region of the system or the creation can be done automatically. You can edit it in the future. 
  • File: it is possible to select an image for your project.

Once created, it will be in the section of Projects to be accessed. Just click on it that you will be redirected to the map to create the elements.

Editing Projects

The projects can also be edited (name, users, position) by clicking on the icon as the below image:

A tab just like the tab of creation of projects will open: you can change the name and the users that have access to the project, also define if it is a child project and by searching a new adress, you can change the localization of your project.

Now, if you desire to have an overview of the project, you can click on the "i" of information. There you can find insights of the number of boxes by level, of cables, clients, poles, etc.

Excluding Projects

WARNING: Excluding a project will delete all the content (cables, clients, poles, boxes).

On the side of the icon of "edit project", there is an icon of a trash can to delete your project. When you click, a tab asking for confirmation will open.

First Project

Now, with your already created project, it's very important that you define the settings before starting. These definitions will make more easy the creation of projects and also when the sellers use Loki to locate the clients and verify the feasibility.